Monday, December 31, 2012


Helped Luke recover from surgery
Luke turned 3
Luke overdosed and took an ambulance ride
Luke broke his arm when he tried to fly
Luke had surgery
Tried to keep Luke from injuring his arm again...
   I can't believe my lil man had his third surgery this year.  And he will have his fourth in the coming months.  It has been a roller coaster of a year again.  Sick, surgery, sick, sick, surgery, sick....Tired of it!!!! 

2013 is going to be our Healthy Year!!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012


No we don't have a plan...That is our family motto.  Totally throws other people for a loop but hey, at least we aren't behind schedule.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ughh.  If the present problem with at home daycare--taxes, increase in cost, filing ourselves,...doesn't fix itself :) we may have to find a new solution to an old problem.  This has been a great quiet from the storm but I guess there is always problems.  it has been a very nurturing time for Luke to heal.  I was hoping she would get licensed so we could finish out the year there.  Then vpk next year split with her.  I don't know now.  Kids they always make you worry.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The dr said that Luke can take his splint off when he is at home.  So about 50% of the time!  Yay, but they also did some bloodwork because there is a spot on the xray that looks like an infection. Oh.....If it is then the screw has to come out early and he has to go on antibiotics.  Hope they call soon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     The evilness of the what happened in Connecticut has overshadowed what should have been a joyful Christmas break for children everywhere.  I can't imagine being those teachers going back to work today, I don't think I could do it.  3 days and you are supposed to just move on.  I know it will be hard for me when I go back in 2 weeks and I wasn't involved personally. 
     I don't know how as a parent you can "explain" these things.  I am glad Luke is too young to know what is going on.  What would I say, "An evil, insane man decided when 26 other people would die because he felt like it. No, mommy can't keep you safe in this world.  No one can.  People are crazy, truly.  I am sorry if this doesn't make you feel better."  It would be the truth.  You can't go to school, the movies, the mall,or the grocery store without taking the chance of being shot to death for no reason.  And people wonder why I like to stay home...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This week...

5 days of school...2 doctor's appointment..1 post-observation conference and a holiday party with my kindergarteners.  Then Winter Vacation will finally be here!!!!!  About 5,000,000 other things to buy, make, bake, do before Friday but it will get done.  Or it wasn't really that important. I can't wait for vacation.  This weekend we are going to Zoo Lights :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


   December is here.  It is a cool, rainy day and I feel cruddy.  Luckily Luke is having fun entertaining himself.  Lots of fun events coming up if mama can get well, and keep Luke from getting sick.  I can't believe Brad and his family are coming down for Christmas, it has been a while since I have seen my little bird. I hope we can do some fun things together with our boys.
   Santa is almost done shopping for Luke, that just leaves everyone else!  I better get busy looking for some good deals.  I am missing out on an event today that would have been good.  But sick and rainy are not a good combo.