Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It is almost summer!  I have almost finished all the loose ends and cannot wait to be done.  It will be so great to stay home with Luke everyday :) 

Our jogging stroller is awesome and I really felt it when we went for our walk last weekend.  It plowed through the wet sand and water.  It is hard to push in dry sand, but...

I was looking forward to Luke going to school for 5 hours one day a week.  But not so much anymore.  He will be in a class with a teacher who:  didn't notice he had a 102 degree fever last week and didn't know why he was crying Friday when Aaron picked him up.  I guess we will just have to see.  If he cries everytime then it just won't be worth it. There is only one Eadabitz!!!!

Summer...Summer...Summer...My mantra:)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

14 more days...I can smell summer it is so close.  I can't wait to have a lazy schedule with Luke and naps everyday!  A lot to do between now and then but it will be worth it.
Planned Already:   5 hours a week  Luke will be at school (possible every week, see how it works)
Thursdays--Zoo Tots class at the zoo, probably get there early walk around, eat and
                      then go to the class from 11:30 to 12:30.  Maybe waterpark afterwards:)
Saturdays--MOSH has a new dinosaur exhibit and Dinosaur Train movie all summer.
Morning walks on the beach!!!!  Lots of them:)
Need to Plan:         Visit to Tallahassee again like last summer/museums with twins again

If we are brave:  Sea World--Luke and I have free passes.  But it might be smart to wait till after summer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We are all home again:)  Aaron just brought Luke his milk while I sat here.  And I had help putting him to bed. Yay!!!!
    In other news...I cooked Captain America, Iron Man, and Absorbant Man's head tonight.  And they didn't melt!  Don't know how they ended up in the oven, Luke.  But I found them when I opened the oven to check on dinner.  Ahhhh.....

Monday, May 14, 2012

1 more day and Aaron will be home.  It was a long day today.  Playday is always hard, but especially when I'm sick.  And now with this storm my head is hurting.  Luke and I came home and popped popcorn and watched the Muppets after our shower.  Going to be an early night.  And we are taking a half day tomorrow to come home and nap!!!  Need all the help that I can get after today:)
    On another note I am looking for a jogging stroller to walk on the beach with, got to lose weight!!!  Hope to find one soon.  We have really enjoyed going to the beach the last 2 Saturdays, but I would love to actually walk some distance before Luke plays in the water and shells.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 days...That is how long i must do this alone.  Ahhh...Seriously Luke go to sleep, no you can't have anymore milk.  You will wet the AGAIN.  Mommy is tired, sick, and it is Mother's Day.  I do love you.  But please go to sleep little man:)
Mother's Day 2012--Last night Aaron came home with a beautiful orchild for me and made me chicken fajitas.  A day early because he has to go out of town for work today.  The orchild is gorgeous I hope I can keep it alive! 
       I woke up 2:30 last night with a cold.  Not the best way to start Mother's day or two days without Aaron here to help.  But at least it is Sunday. 
       My best boy is going to have to nap with me today.  Love being his mommy!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sand between our toes and wind in our hair this morning.  My favorite things...:)  Luke and I started the day at the beach with an hour long walk interrupted with about 15 minuted of sand digging.  Still pretty good for a 3 year old though 60 minutes of walking, albeit slow!  I love the beach.  Tidepools, shells, sandpipers, seagulls, waves, ocean breeze, ahhh :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I almost missed today but pulled through at the last minute!  Weight Loss Pilates on Demand:)  And walking at school with my kids.  Good day all around.  Met KB afterschool for cokes and fries, yes I know.  And some much needed girl talk.  Mama needs some mama time occasionally.