Monday, December 31, 2012


Helped Luke recover from surgery
Luke turned 3
Luke overdosed and took an ambulance ride
Luke broke his arm when he tried to fly
Luke had surgery
Tried to keep Luke from injuring his arm again...
   I can't believe my lil man had his third surgery this year.  And he will have his fourth in the coming months.  It has been a roller coaster of a year again.  Sick, surgery, sick, sick, surgery, sick....Tired of it!!!! 

2013 is going to be our Healthy Year!!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012


No we don't have a plan...That is our family motto.  Totally throws other people for a loop but hey, at least we aren't behind schedule.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ughh.  If the present problem with at home daycare--taxes, increase in cost, filing ourselves,...doesn't fix itself :) we may have to find a new solution to an old problem.  This has been a great quiet from the storm but I guess there is always problems.  it has been a very nurturing time for Luke to heal.  I was hoping she would get licensed so we could finish out the year there.  Then vpk next year split with her.  I don't know now.  Kids they always make you worry.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The dr said that Luke can take his splint off when he is at home.  So about 50% of the time!  Yay, but they also did some bloodwork because there is a spot on the xray that looks like an infection. Oh.....If it is then the screw has to come out early and he has to go on antibiotics.  Hope they call soon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     The evilness of the what happened in Connecticut has overshadowed what should have been a joyful Christmas break for children everywhere.  I can't imagine being those teachers going back to work today, I don't think I could do it.  3 days and you are supposed to just move on.  I know it will be hard for me when I go back in 2 weeks and I wasn't involved personally. 
     I don't know how as a parent you can "explain" these things.  I am glad Luke is too young to know what is going on.  What would I say, "An evil, insane man decided when 26 other people would die because he felt like it. No, mommy can't keep you safe in this world.  No one can.  People are crazy, truly.  I am sorry if this doesn't make you feel better."  It would be the truth.  You can't go to school, the movies, the mall,or the grocery store without taking the chance of being shot to death for no reason.  And people wonder why I like to stay home...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This week...

5 days of school...2 doctor's appointment..1 post-observation conference and a holiday party with my kindergarteners.  Then Winter Vacation will finally be here!!!!!  About 5,000,000 other things to buy, make, bake, do before Friday but it will get done.  Or it wasn't really that important. I can't wait for vacation.  This weekend we are going to Zoo Lights :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


   December is here.  It is a cool, rainy day and I feel cruddy.  Luckily Luke is having fun entertaining himself.  Lots of fun events coming up if mama can get well, and keep Luke from getting sick.  I can't believe Brad and his family are coming down for Christmas, it has been a while since I have seen my little bird. I hope we can do some fun things together with our boys.
   Santa is almost done shopping for Luke, that just leaves everyone else!  I better get busy looking for some good deals.  I am missing out on an event today that would have been good.  But sick and rainy are not a good combo.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sick and tired

I am sick and tired of being sick or Luke being sick, and being tired. Wouldn't it be great to just wake up full of energy tomorrow and run around doing fun things all day?!  But no, I have a head, chest cold and Luke is wheezing and still has his splint on his arm. I guess I am just in a pity party kind of mood.  I just wish I could be that mom that had the super healthy life and healthy kid for a day or two now and then.

Monday, November 19, 2012

1 more day, 1 more day, 1 more day!  One full day left and then he gets the stinky cast off. We also start our 6 day vacation that day! 2 things to look forward to!  Yay us:) 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I am very thankful that Wednesday is getting closer.  Luke's cast is disgusting!  Smelly and it is literally falling apart at the top.  I can't wait till they cut it off!  And I get to give him a bath :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I DID IT!!! I sent the email! Here it is :)

I have tried multiple times to call you regarding the events that occurred on Luke's last day and the email I received from the director. Every time your phone has either been not receiving calls or I have gotten your voicemail. So I feel it best to send this email to you in place of a phone call.
The last week that Luke was at KinderCare he was only in attendance Monday(the day the broke his arm), a half day Wednesday, and a half day Friday.
I explained to  the Assistant Director on Wednesday that his arm was fractured and he was in pain and that he would not nap. But that his father would be picking his up between 12 and 1. Since this was a day he was supposed to be in his ONE hour Phonics class from 12 to 1 I thought this would work out well for all. His father arrived that day to a happy boy and calm center and picked him up. On Friday I went through the same speech with  the Director. She told me that the ONE hour Phonics class is really only 20 minutes and that he would need to nap if his dad wasn't there to get him. This really angered me since I was first dealing with an injured child who couldn't nap and second had been paying $100 a month for 3 ONE hour Phonics sessions a week only to now find out they were just 20 minutes.
That day when my husband arrived in the KinderCare parking lot he could see our son in the front hall of the center pressed against the glass door with the Director wagging her finger in his face. When he walked in she did not recognize him and acted like he was interrupting her scolding Luke. After he identified himself they went into the classroom where K, a new hire, repeated told the Director in front of my husband and Luke, that Luke had spit here and here and here and that it had to be cleaned up. Then my husband said Luke walked by her(K) and she flinched. At this point he asked for Luke's things and took him home because he so disgusted with their attitude toward our child.
A few days later I sent an email to the company and the Director stating that I felt he was unliked and she put it all back on Luke. HE needs to learn how to act, behave, etc.
I am still after all this time disgusted with her behavior and words. He is a 3 year old boy whose arm was severely broken. He had surgery several days later and had a 60mm screw placed to hold the bones together. If she had followed my directions, and not lied about the Phonics class, the situation would not have occurred.
Now that Luke is several weeks into a new childcare situation I can see how much harm having him at KinderCare was actually doing to his spirit. Which is very sad. He attended from 4 months old and I was very happy with his care until this August. When he returned this August the amount of transitions, classrooms, and teachers you were asking him to go through in one day was ridiculous: Breakfast room, 3s classroom, different room for lunch, then pre-k room for nap. And a teacher charge with each room change. Now that he is with one caregiver all day long he no longer cries when it is time to go to "school."
The saddest thing was a few days after his surgery I told him he was going back to school and he started screaming "NO, NO, NO!" and threw himself on the ground crying. After I explained that I didn't mean KinderCare he hasn't shed another tear, not even on his first morning of drop off at his new "school".
For a long time I would recommend KinderCare Atlantic Beach, FL to friends and co-workers because I honestly believed you were doing what was best for my child. I no longer believe that. He was just a number, profit.

Leaving Traditional Daycare

     It turns out it was a great decision. It means I can be sure Luke is not being manhandled by the director,verbally abused by teachers or the director, "taught" by various "teachers", put through 6 to 7 transitions a day, given food that makes him sick, and told how horrible he is. 
    Now he is told he is cute, loving, smart, and that he is kind. When he needs to make a different choice his nanny helps him make that choice without chaos or a mean spirit.
    I have to be a better mother now.  And that is okay too. I have to take charge of more educational lessons that daycare used to do.  But that's okay.  Because he is learning so much more about kindness and a playful spirit with his nanny.
    In the end I hope this works out for the long haul because it is bringing me a much calmer little boy everyday when I pick him up. And he no longer has anxiety about being dropped off in the morning. I also feel trust and confidence in his whereabouts and do not feel the need to rush to him.
     Good decision.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

In 18 days Luke will get his cast off and his arm x-rayed.  Then hopefully the doctor will say my lil Super Hero can move on to a soft cast. He knows now that he cannot fly, we remind him on a daily basis.  I wish he didn't have to have surgery again to get the screw out of his arm, but when he does something he does it right! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Motivation is not my friend. I still have math diagnostics to grade and enter into computer. And my ipdp to do. Ipdp has to be done by Friday:(  Then of course there is all that reassessing for report cards.  And 2 conferences!   AHHHHHHHHH! Anyways I really am liking this K thing. Just have a monster of a class. maybe next year, yikes, it will be better!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I like it.  I think I really like it.  I think I can do this.  I hope I am doing this right! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today actually went smoother. I think I actually might be good at this.  It is very busy and there is no time to think, but that is okay...That is my whole life. 
Happy Birthday Mayson Pearl!  You were born 6 weeks early and beautiful!  It breaks my heart to see all those tubes in you but I know you will be okay.  God, please take care of her and her mama.  They are very special people.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Still getting our groove.  Ugh!  It is just liked we started the school year all over again.  So hopefully it will get better and better.  I like planning for k a lot.  But the behavior is the hardest to deal with, very frustrating. Oh, and the team part sucks.  Antiquated thoughts prevail. But I can do it!!! Here's to a good week!

Luke is doing so good at soccer!  He is sooooo cute on the field.  He did much better with not using his hands this week and Daddy made it for the "game" part!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

In theory I really like teaching K.  I just haven't gotten my groove yet, so I am frustrated.  They are loud, and needy.  And 5.  I love have the literacy centers as a basis for learning.  And that they are little sponges.  Now if Luke can just get healthy so I can be there everyday this week.  Sick little boy that he is:(

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

To say I overestimated their ability would be an understatement.   I have to totally refocus myself when I go back tomorrow.  I made some playdough and letter matching papers.  And I have been looking at preschool sites.  Every teacher seems to have been doing her own thing, and it shows.  Oh...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tomorrow is the day, I get my kindergarteners.  I haven't had a good night sleep in days.  I keep thinking of more things I forgot to do.  Oh my.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hi ho hi ho it's off to kindergarten I go!  On Monday!  TDE tomorrow to get ready.....Ahhhhhhhhh

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 weeks down and 34 to go:)  Boy have they been hectic.  Of course Luke got sick.  But he is on antibiotics and getting better.  Lots of drama at his school, almost changed schools.  But it is settled I think.  The last week seemed to be pretty peaceful for him.  Registered him for a phonics class at school that starts this week and soccer at Jarboe park on Fridays.  Yay!  And it is a 4 day week.  Great week ahead for him!  I am still probably going to kindergarten...It is a wait and see kind of thing.  Lots of relaxing this weekend for all.

Monday, August 27, 2012

So kindergarten may be in near future....Not sure how to feel.  Always wanted to go there, just not with them or without them.  Get it:)  A lot of gossiping going on at work about the move and who it will be.  No one has approached me but I am thinking it is me.  Everyone else threw themselves at the principal's mercy.  Ahhh.  Well it will be interesting.  I have never changed grade levels midyear.  I know I can do it there is just so much I don't trust new people with that my "old" people have down.  Luke stuff, my stuff...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

First weekend after the first week back to teaching...Guess where I went?  To the teacher supply store!  ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Seriously!  I have worked with you for 15 years.  I ask for a folder and get told I should have bought it with my storeroom money.  Then when I ask for stickers instead of a lanyard I get told I have to buy them myself.  WHATEVER!!!!!  I am so over asking for anything or assuming we were ever friends.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tomorrow is my first day back to work.  Aaron is staying home with Luke for the first 3 days.  Pretty awesome for him because he has great daddy love.  I am actually looking forward to work this year.  I was not a very good SAHM this summer.  I think it was the whole 3 thing.  I am looking forward to making some changes this year for the better.  Well, here we go.......

Friday, August 10, 2012

The End of Summer

The Last Friday of summer...This morning we got Luke a haircut and did some shopping or a birthday party tomorrow.  Then a quick trip to the library.  Now we are watching The Lorax.  I can't believe a whole summer has come and gone!  I can only hope I can make some good changes this school year so that we can lead a more relaxed daily life.  More days of summer in fall, winter, and spring...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Day of July :(

Last day of July...always feels like the end of summer.  So at trip to the beach at dinnertime was needed.  We caught sight of a large shark feeding, played in the water and sand, and shell hunted.  It was beautiful.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's that time again...18 days until I go back to school.  How did summer fly by so fast?  Where did all my plans go?  We have done some fun stuff.  Made one trip to tallahassee.  Got my first shot in my spine.  But it seems like I never get it all done.

2012-2013---How will it be different?  That is the question.  What is the answer?  I need to work on that.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm frustrated.  I've been spending some  of my summer time working on these new Common Core Standards and I've spent $ too.  K and I have created some good work.  But it doesn't matter to the boss.  He can't make any decisions on his own.  He can't simply say, "Wow that looks great!"  And he also misled me last week.  I emailed and asked in person if he would interview Sally and he said he would be glad too.  Well all along he planned to hire a n--- mom who lives on the b----.  Seriously!!  He will regret that.  Teachers need to feel secure in their work evironment and can't when they are working with parents.  Oh......

On the Luke front...We both have anger issues.  I'm sure he has them because of me.  I am trying to do better for his sake.  But my goodness.  It is hard to put up with his whims.

Summer is fun and it is half over :(  It is so hard just to get dressed to go to the store...I forget how much I do in a workday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We are down from 2 or so hours to get to sleep to just 2 "get ups" for more milk!!!!  So happy he can sleep in his new big boy bed!! Love my boy:)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

First night in his big boy bed!!! Luke helped me pick it out today.  He was so excited.  The first thing he said to Aaron was "put my bed together."  We tried to get the Woody and Buzz bed and couldn't so we got a wood bed and some stick ons and made our own.  Even cuter!  Now here's to hoping he will stay in it all night and not end up in bed with me!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shhhhhh!  I think he may nap without climbing out of his crib!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Life has been much smoother lately.  Except for nap and night time.  Luke can get out of his crib, no matter what I do.  I did a lot of research on toddler beds and finally found one I liked but would have to drive to Orlando to get it:(  So I have to start over again. 

It is nice to have my happy boy back again.  Still not sure what to do about the school situation.  Haven't looked at C.P.A. yet.  He goes to KC on Monday for a half day.  We will see how his behavior is when he gets home. 

Dad is considering a job in Philadelphia for 6 months.  Mom is really mad.  I really don't want her to leave.  I love having her here.  :(

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thank you God...He is the only one who could have intervened.  Today was finally peaceful.  Not like weird peaceful, like not my kid.  But normal.  No over the top tantrums.  I don't know what to attribute it to.  There are so many factors that could be it:  hasn't had singulair in a few days, no school in a week, sticker chart, I really tried to be more calm with him, God.  I don't know but I will take it:)  I just hope that is lasts longer than a day.
We had a good day besides the tantrums.  We went and fed the rabbit at school.  Then we came home and made lunch and played.  Took a late nap.  Made dinner.  Then played in the ocean table outside for a while before he took a bath.  Didn't end as well because Aaron started puking.  Hope we all don't get it!
Here's to a great week!!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I am beyond drained.  I don't know what to do with him.  Every request is met with a tantrum of Hulk proportions!  Hitting, scratching, head butting, throwing my glasses...Boy it feel good to  get it  all  out.  When we got home tonight I was ready to call the doctor and put him on some sort of medication.  But alas I must give it another try tomorrow.  Thinking back it all starting going south in April.  When he turned 3 and left the 2s room and went to the 3s room he became very angry.  Instead of the occasional tantrum or fit, now it is DAILY.  I really think it is a horrible comibination of being 3, the stress of the all the switching classes and teachers and friends, and the mulit-age group setting.  So I am looking at new schools.  This scares me.  They have taken good care of Luke and loved him and I hope I make a good decision.  But I really think he needs a calmer setting to be in at school. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today was the last of work for me and the last day of all day school for Luke.  It really hasn't sunk in yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  We still have a schedule this week so it still feels kind of non-summery.  Tomorrow Luke is going to school for a few hours for a bubble day and then Thursday we are going to the zoo for our first Zoo Tots class.  And we are napping!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the kids.  I can't believe it has been a whole year already.  It has a whole new meaning since I had Luke.  Now I think of the things he as accomplished in the year that has passed, as well as my students.

No more diapers!  He can sing his abc's, he can count, he can write his L, he knows most of his is going by sooo fast.  I can't believe my baby is 3 and has accomplished so much.  I thought about teaching summer school for a little while.  And then one day we were leaving the library and Luke said to me "Mommy, I'm getting bigger everyday!"  And that totally chinched it for me.  I just couldn't not spend the summer with him, because he is getting BIGGER everyday!  And I want to ENJOY it:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It is almost summer!  I have almost finished all the loose ends and cannot wait to be done.  It will be so great to stay home with Luke everyday :) 

Our jogging stroller is awesome and I really felt it when we went for our walk last weekend.  It plowed through the wet sand and water.  It is hard to push in dry sand, but...

I was looking forward to Luke going to school for 5 hours one day a week.  But not so much anymore.  He will be in a class with a teacher who:  didn't notice he had a 102 degree fever last week and didn't know why he was crying Friday when Aaron picked him up.  I guess we will just have to see.  If he cries everytime then it just won't be worth it. There is only one Eadabitz!!!!

Summer...Summer...Summer...My mantra:)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

14 more days...I can smell summer it is so close.  I can't wait to have a lazy schedule with Luke and naps everyday!  A lot to do between now and then but it will be worth it.
Planned Already:   5 hours a week  Luke will be at school (possible every week, see how it works)
Thursdays--Zoo Tots class at the zoo, probably get there early walk around, eat and
                      then go to the class from 11:30 to 12:30.  Maybe waterpark afterwards:)
Saturdays--MOSH has a new dinosaur exhibit and Dinosaur Train movie all summer.
Morning walks on the beach!!!!  Lots of them:)
Need to Plan:         Visit to Tallahassee again like last summer/museums with twins again

If we are brave:  Sea World--Luke and I have free passes.  But it might be smart to wait till after summer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We are all home again:)  Aaron just brought Luke his milk while I sat here.  And I had help putting him to bed. Yay!!!!
    In other news...I cooked Captain America, Iron Man, and Absorbant Man's head tonight.  And they didn't melt!  Don't know how they ended up in the oven, Luke.  But I found them when I opened the oven to check on dinner.  Ahhhh.....

Monday, May 14, 2012

1 more day and Aaron will be home.  It was a long day today.  Playday is always hard, but especially when I'm sick.  And now with this storm my head is hurting.  Luke and I came home and popped popcorn and watched the Muppets after our shower.  Going to be an early night.  And we are taking a half day tomorrow to come home and nap!!!  Need all the help that I can get after today:)
    On another note I am looking for a jogging stroller to walk on the beach with, got to lose weight!!!  Hope to find one soon.  We have really enjoyed going to the beach the last 2 Saturdays, but I would love to actually walk some distance before Luke plays in the water and shells.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 days...That is how long i must do this alone.  Ahhh...Seriously Luke go to sleep, no you can't have anymore milk.  You will wet the AGAIN.  Mommy is tired, sick, and it is Mother's Day.  I do love you.  But please go to sleep little man:)
Mother's Day 2012--Last night Aaron came home with a beautiful orchild for me and made me chicken fajitas.  A day early because he has to go out of town for work today.  The orchild is gorgeous I hope I can keep it alive! 
       I woke up 2:30 last night with a cold.  Not the best way to start Mother's day or two days without Aaron here to help.  But at least it is Sunday. 
       My best boy is going to have to nap with me today.  Love being his mommy!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sand between our toes and wind in our hair this morning.  My favorite things...:)  Luke and I started the day at the beach with an hour long walk interrupted with about 15 minuted of sand digging.  Still pretty good for a 3 year old though 60 minutes of walking, albeit slow!  I love the beach.  Tidepools, shells, sandpipers, seagulls, waves, ocean breeze, ahhh :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I almost missed today but pulled through at the last minute!  Weight Loss Pilates on Demand:)  And walking at school with my kids.  Good day all around.  Met KB afterschool for cokes and fries, yes I know.  And some much needed girl talk.  Mama needs some mama time occasionally.

Monday, April 30, 2012

30 for 30 day 5:  I decided to make an effort to exercise everyday for 30 days for 30 minutes.  I did good for four days.  Over 30 minutes each day.  Then today I walked fast for 10 minutes at school but didn't finish my 30 minutes at home because of a migraine.  Alas, tomorrow I will get back on the horse and make up my time!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day:
2 accomplishments for this year!   We started using less paper in the kitchen and started using more cloth or microfiber.  Also, just this weekend I started cleaning with white vinegar and water instead of chemicals. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

He finally had a good day!!!  Yay :)  So happy that he finally is settling in to his new class.  Still didn't nap but he didn't hit his teacher or his friends.  It was nice to see him so proud of himself and happy to be at school.  Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow and we can go to the zoo to let off some steam from this long week.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

So day 4 of preschool didn't go any better...He hit his teacher twice.  And didn't nap.  That is 3 days this week without a nap!  Something has got to give.  I am not sure what to do:  wait it out, ask to move him back, check out schools with a greater split of ages?  I don't know, but he is miserable and doesn't like school now.  Before this week he loved going to school :(

Monday, April 16, 2012

First day of 3 year old preschool today...Luke was so excited this morning to be in Mrs. Sally's class all day.  I guess the excitement was too much for him.  He had an accident, bit a friend, swatted at his teacher, didn't nap, was mean to the rest of his friends, and cleared off the animal shelf at pick-up.  Gotta love my little destroyer!
Tomorrow will be a better day!!!!!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Family day, right?  How come family days always end with someone crying?  We had a great morning going to the library, all 3 of us.  Came home and ate lunch, watch movies, and played.  Simple request of the hubby:  please put a diaper on Luke and put him down for a nap.  WWIII.  :(  All sorts of yelling, etc.  And now tonight we are headed to nana's for dinner to see the uncle and nephew from Boston.  Oh, probably more crying to come.  Maybe it is the thunderstorm.  Or maybe it is just my life:)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day Two

We came home from school today and went on a walk/trike ride.  It felt good to exercise.  But it was damn hot.  I don't know what we'll do when the humidity hits.  :(  I really need to make my health a priority again.  I need to lose a lot of weight and still am dealing with the b12 deficiency from not eating well.  Ahhhh!  But I love you Luke :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day One

I am absolutely exhausted.   So what am I doing?  Creating a new blog.  I have tried this numerous times and I never stick to it or I don't like my train of thought.  I also think before I was trying to compartmentalize my life into separate blogs.  That just isn't possible.  I am just going to have to do it all for one!  So here goes.....